Are you going right
Puzzled about how always end up with Mr/Ms Totally Wrong,but we dont realize it until our heart is broken.

Try this Quiz if you are worried about your relationship and have a doubt that "are we going right".

If you answer is yes for more than four questions then its time to look forward,if yes to less than four questions then you are going great and "YOU ARE A GREAT COUPLE"

1) Have you given up special people in your life,such as parent,child or friend,to please him ?
A. Yes
B. No

2) Do you feel as if you are walking on egg shells in his presence(always particular about your acts worrying whether they are right or wrong) ?
A. Yes
B. No

3) Is he extremely jealous or possessive about you ?
A. Yes
B. No

4) Have you given up things that were important to you,such as "girls hang out/parties" ?
A. Yes
B. No

5) Does he blame you for everything that goes wrong in your relation ship ?
A. Yes
B. No

6) Does he shout at you or threaten you when you do something that upsets him ?
A. Yes
B. No

) Does he want you to give up your career so you can stay home and take care of the house for him ?
A. Yes
B. No

) Does he criticize you or always hurt you by calling "stupid" or "fat" ?
A. Yes
B. No

Go through these before coming to a conclusion about your relationship.
I Believe he/she can change He/She has been like this for soo long

Are you happy with your relationship

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