He/she has been like this for soo long

He/she has been like this for soo long
If your partner has been unfair to you despite of you making several efforts to keep the relation going.Then iam sorry to tell you that you need to teach your partner a nice lesson or two because he/she does not know your worth,Try keeping your partner a distance for a while so that he can feel your worth in your abscence and if he/she still persists with their acts.Then just dont bother about him/her ditch him/her.But the separation should be the last option because break ups are really hard to handle.
Especially if you are married and have children then try to avoid separation till the last moment because Children cannot take these things and the outcome will definitely have an impact on their minds.So please please give your maximum best before breaking a relationship.
I am saying this because i had seen my parents getting separated when i was 13 and now am 23 those memories still sting my mind whenever i see a couple fighting.And it makes me break in to tears.I hope and pray to Almighty that no other Child goes through the pain i went through that time.I am still feeling the pinch of that disaster in my life.
My humble request is think thousand times before getting separated because the decision also involves your children as well,you may take it,can they ?

Are you happy with your relationship

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